
Liliana Fu

Peruvian student in her third year of Software Engineering at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, enthusiastic about learning new skills.

Check my



Vue.js badge Angular badge


.NET badge Spring badge Django badge

Mobile development

Flutter badge Kotlin badge


MySQL badge PostgreSQL badge MongoDB badge


Python badge Javscript badge Typescript badge C++ badge C# badge


Microsoft Office badge Azure badge Power Platform badge Git badge Figma badge


Recent projects

Graphy logo

Graphy is a ecommerce web application that gives products recommendations based on the user's preferences using Prim's graph algorithm. This project consists of a front-end web application, a back-end API from MongoDB and an serverless Azure function for the graph algorithm.

Vue.js badge Tailwind CSS badge MongoDB badge Azure badge
Finance logo

Finance is a university project about a financial web application developed by five students. The app is accessible to employees, who can post vehicles for sale, and customers, who can request vehicles using BCP's Compra Inteligente vehicle loan method. The project consists of a front-end web application, a back-end RESTful API, and a database provided by Azure.

Vue.js badge Tailwind CSS badge Azure badge NestJS badge
JobSync logo

JobSync is a university project about an applicant tracking software (ATS) web application worked on with four students for a Web Applications course. The project consists of a landing page, a front-end web application, and a back-end RESTful API.

Vue.js badge Tailwind CSS badge .NET badge MySQL badge
Medmeet logo

Medmeet is a university project about a medical appointment scheduling web application worked on with four students for a Open Source Web Applications course. The project is composed of a landing page, a front-end web application, and a back-end RESTful API.

Angular badge Tailwind CSS badge Spring badge PostgreSQL badge